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Farm Pestos and Dips


Pestos and Dips made from the crops that are at their best right now.

Keep refrigerated. Consume or freeze within 7 days of delivery date

Mokum carrot top, Avalanche beet top and Orazio fennel top Pesto

Our zero-waste pesto variety, making use of delicious ingredients often thrown away. Choose between vegan and classic. Ingredients: carrot tops, beet tops, fennel tops, sunflower seeds, olive oil, organic sunflower oil, nutritional yeast OR Belnori Balmoral cheese, garlic, salt, pepper

Superbo Genovese basil Pesto

Almonds, olive oil, organic sunflower oil, Belnori Balmoral cheese, garlic, salt, pepper


Vegan Nettle and Nasturtium Pesto

Our wild foraged pesto variety, making use of 'weeds' living their best lives on the farm. Ingredients: Nettles, nasturtium leaves, garlic, olive oil, organic sunflower oil, salt, pepper, nutritional yeast 

Chimayo Pepper and Orazio Fennel Dip 

One of our most loved products! Ingredients: Chimayo peppers, Orazio fennel, red onion, garlic, sesame, olive oil, sorghum molasses, salt 

Regular price
R 80.00
Regular price
Sale price
R 80.00
    Farm Pestos and Dips
    Farm Pestos and Dips
    Farm Pestos and Dips
    Farm Pestos and Dips